STREs3e422 Closed world strength

Thank you for the teeshirt!

Table of Contents


ts 0:00:47

2 long awaited

ts 0:00:59

3 new road

ts 0:01:15

4 spotted lanterfly

ts 0:01:26

5 417

ts 0:01:54

6 turing machine

ts 0:02:23

7 if you always feed the same machine in

ts 0:02:45

8 going i nto a input loop

ts 0:03:01

9 it could only read itself

ts 0:03:11

10 if it reads anything else it will fail

ts 0:03:37

11 we get to a new level

ts 0:03:54

12 dont make copies of the machine

ts 0:04:03

13 we need to record each machine in its state

ts 0:04:11

14 found a new mushroom

ts 0:04:22

15 can we compress the machine down

ts 0:04:24

16 we know it will be reeading in a new machine

ts 0:04:31

17 the execution will go into the reading of the new machine

ts 0:04:36

18 endless loop of reading in machine

ts 0:04:45

19 world map puzzle

ts 0:05:13

20 reduce recursion

ts 0:05:34

21 dead fox

ts 0:05:59

22 reduce the strength of input language, reduce the complexity of turing machine

ts 0:06:11

23 reduction in strenth

ts 0:06:24

24 different versions of itself over time

ts 0:06:35

25 can remember its own versions

ts 0:06:54

26 differnt versions of the compiler

ts 0:07:09

27 tree structure that cna represent itself

ts 0:07:20

28 boostrap phase (spore)

ts 0:07:40

29 hunting fungus

ts 0:07:45

30 walking throug cemetary

ts 0:07:52

31 grave of fat ding ng

ts 0:07:57

32 not many mushrooms at cemetary

ts 0:08:10

33 better to be judged by 9 then carried by 6

ts 0:08:18

34 rices theory

ts 0:08:23

35 chomsky hierarchy of langage

ts 0:08:52

36 kleen

ts 0:09:03

37 science of insecuirty

ts 0:09:15

38 if we know the statistic of the input

ts 0:09:25

39 closed world stregth reduction

ts 0:09:35

40 vorhees buried under oak tree

ts 0:10:03

41 reduced language

ts 0:10:15

42 ewing treptow

ts 0:10:22

43 thomas r ewing

ts 0:10:28

44 mary l ewing

ts 0:10:29

45 skamel

ts 0:10:33


ts 0:10:37

47 my walking has streangthed me

ts 0:10:44

48 missed walks

ts 0:10:51

49 feel great walking

ts 0:11:04

50 lady running fast

ts 0:11:16

51 ast will be tree or graph of finite size

ts 0:11:21

52 part of the tree will describe the tree

ts 0:11:34

53 labels

ts 0:11:43

54 values

ts 0:11:45

55 integers or floats, literals

ts 0:11:48

56 references, labels of funtions

ts 0:11:53

57 any label or id in the system

ts 0:11:56

58 variables or nodes in the system

ts 0:12:01

59 resolving identifiers to nodes

ts 0:12:06

60 arrays and lists

ts 0:12:18

61 json/yaml

ts 0:12:23

62 what fields occur with what other fields

ts 0:12:28

63 networkx

ts 0:12:41

64 dotty/graphviz

ts 0:12:43

65 occrespondences

ts 0:12:45

66 transform from one graph to another

ts 0:12:46


ts 0:12:51

68 graph of this type is processed by code of this type

ts 0:12:57

69 one part defines structures, other manipulates them

ts 0:13:02

70 feed a known input in, a bench mark. version of linux etc.

ts 0:13:07

71 correspondence between input and internal state

ts 0:13:18

72 russian olives

ts 0:13:33

73 latern flys are fast

ts 0:13:35

74 connecting to languages

ts 0:13:40

75 implicit environment

ts 0:14:04

76 statstical invariance

ts 0:14:45

77 every value can be assigned a probability of it occuring

ts 0:14:55

78 probabilty of this bit being set in this type

ts 0:15:04

79 what parts of the long integrer do you use?

ts 0:15:10

80 define that take gcc and llvm source code and be able to extract a new compile from that and be able to run it

ts 0:15:25

81 limited os to do only few things

ts 0:15:58

82 can we solve a limited strength system

ts 0:16:05

83 puzzel peices

ts 0:16:08

84 my mind is like a fungus and mycillium has been growing in the dark

ts 0:16:17

85 phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth is created by the fungus

ts 0:16:41

86 where does the fungus get phosphorus from ? other peoples bones

ts 0:16:47

87 our boees can be created from other dead bodies

ts 0:16:54

88 the fungus enables the cycle of life

ts 0:17:04

89 we are like the fruiting bodies of the fungus

ts 0:17:16

90 paul stamets, guillian furci, dennis mckenna

ts 0:17:34

91 richness and poverty and crime of ewing township

ts 0:17:45

92 do something to protect your honor

ts 0:18:07

93 tm and universal block chain computers

ts 0:18:13

94 editing in audacity. marking sections with labels.

ts 0:18:24

95 export labels and merge with show notes

ts 0:18:33

96 audacity can be enhances so the editor can be emacs org more for labels

ts 0:18:48

97 audacity needs a fork

ts 0:18:56

98 no mobile audacity

ts 0:19:00

99 smart contract interpret the value block of podcasting 2.0, accept listener statistics and store it

ts 0:19:04

100 hold audio clips and edit it

ts 0:19:17

101 construct a show out of a series of clips that are labeled

ts 0:19:23

102 live stream

ts 0:19:28

103 what is a smart contract

ts 0:19:30

104 we can decompose …

ts 0:20:06

105 introspector is the fungus now

ts 0:20:09

106 decompose programs into components

ts 0:20:11

107 recylcing of resouces

ts 0:20:20

108 audacity is tracking users

ts 0:20:26

109 CAN WE decompose audacity into something better

ts 0:20:34

110 what are the functions used and how much

ts 0:20:42

111 we pay users for usage information and they choose to anonymize it or not

ts 0:20:58

112 stream of usage

ts 0:21:11

113 everyone wants to track behaviour

ts 0:21:16

114 brave pays you to watch ads

ts 0:21:26

115 reduce the strength of the general purpose turning machine

ts 0:21:37

116 know how it is going to be used

ts 0:21:42

117 constrain its usage

ts 0:21:44

118 might make an interesting case for distributed computtation

ts 0:21:46

119 and then transactions and payment

ts 0:21:51

120 if a clip is popular on the internet

ts 0:21:53

121 people would pay in giving up listening data or watching ads or giving

ts 0:22:06

122 the value could be a payfment for the whole show or each second

ts 0:22:34

123 boostagram

ts 0:22:45

124 random subject

ts 0:22:52

125 hubris of humans to think we are in control of the world

ts 0:23:05

126 climate scientist from englang next door in kansas

ts 0:23:28

127 climate change ideas are that we have to do something because we can do something.

ts 0:23:30

128 policy decisions driven by science, who controls the sciences

ts 0:23:49

129 how honest and open is science?

ts 0:24:04

130 does science not serve the master of politics

ts 0:24:07

131 bill for baby was 80k

ts 0:24:15

132 rotating keys at work and realize the value in that

ts 0:24:23

133 not only to secure the system but to understand it

ts 0:24:28

134 usage of something, listening to a podcast at this timepoint

ts 0:24:39

135 reading some notes in this position in the file

ts 0:24:48

136 if usage data is so important and valueable then people should be willing to pay for it

ts 0:24:52

137 so to collect usage data you need to make something easy to use, that is why youtube is so powerful

ts 0:24:58

138 Thinking about voice recognition, If i repeat myself, I can see the same pattern over and over again

ts 0:25:08

139 same aplitude pattern

ts 0:25:18

140 not even frequency

ts 0:25:20

141 I suppose that burning a body also releases its nutrients

ts 0:25:23

142 maybe into the air into smoke, maybe some will be lost

ts 0:25:29

143 maybe the stuff in the air can be absorbed by plants

ts 0:25:32

144 how to the materials come down and settle on the ground again

ts 0:25:37

145 fungus appears the first thing after a forest fire

ts 0:25:42

146 walking down this street, really hot

ts 0:25:45

147 supposedly some girl died of heat exhaustion playing basketball

ts 0:25:51

148 experimenting with pallette fencing

ts 0:25:55

149 4 rebars and two legs and have it lean

ts 0:26:04

150 usage stastictics is the key to exploitation?

ts 0:26:13

151 if you know somthing is going to happen you can exploit that

ts 0:26:23

152 you can preemt something

ts 0:26:28

153 doing something different is like throwing a monkey wrench in the system

ts 0:26:31

154 old house selling for 250k

ts 0:26:50

155 thank you anonymous listener for the teeshirt

ts 0:26:52

156 crazy housing market

ts 0:27:10

157 gotta see what peter shiff has to say

ts 0:27:16

158 bad idea walking that street in the hot sun

ts 0:27:19

159 gotta get up ealier

ts 0:27:26

160 finished editing that last show

ts 0:27:39

161 we finished yet

ts 0:27:47

162 attention economy, people paying to show you ads

ts 0:27:52

163 if i could tell the system what I want I would be willing to watch ads

ts 0:28:08

164 each segment of the show is talking about something

ts 0:28:19

165 the talk is the output of some function in some language

ts 0:28:26

166 free roofing want a copy of insurance policy

ts 0:28:30

167 farming, indoor farm

ts 0:28:44

168 tax credits for farmland, should have tax credits for not developing the land

ts 0:28:53

169 the usage of a system can be represented as a language string inputs to a machine

ts 0:29:20

170 the output is something else

ts 0:29:47

171 this chest

ts 0:29:52

172 usage data, playback of media

ts 0:30:00

173 the aggregate usage data could be used to pay the producers

ts 0:30:39

174 people would sign up and we would sell usage information

ts 0:30:51

175 we would pay the producers

ts 0:31:25

176 we pay to establish an identity

ts 0:31:35

177 not just listening to podcast, it is using programs

ts 0:31:57

178 we will pay you to get targeted ads in application

ts 0:32:07

179 you want to do noise reduction? here is an ad

ts 0:32:28

180 display help information based on usage

ts 0:32:34

181 blender

ts 0:32:43

182 usage enhanced, I guess its the introspector

ts 0:32:45

183 usage enhanced turning machine, annotated

ts 0:32:52

184 tying it all together with mycillium

ts 0:33:06

185 introspectior

ts 0:33:10

186 saw these black balls

ts 0:33:35

187 definition of technical debt, true cost of communication

ts 0:33:54

188 twin engine airplane with tips on its wings

ts 0:33:59

189 post processing

ts 0:34:13

190 spreading the spores of the fungus

ts 0:34:36

191 i am part of the fungus, the system

ts 0:34:39

192 unending chain of life

ts 0:34:52

193 get more elderberries

ts 0:35:01

194 noisy episode

ts 0:35:06

195 create an interactive player website

ts 0:35:17

196 marketplace to sell sessions of data collection and vouch for identies

ts 0:35:47

197 happy friday the 13

ts 0:36:56

198 sombucca drink

ts 0:37:06

199 elderberry are hard to grow from seed

ts 0:37:18

200 bye!

ts 0:37:42

Published by h4ck3rm1k3

software geek

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